Coast Guard makes a daring rescue attempt off the coast of Cape
Cod after a pair of oil tankers are destroyed during a blizzard
in 1952. Written by IMDB
DVD Extras Features
- Brotherhood - Cast
members reflect on the bonds they forged during the shoot.
- The Finest Inspiration:
The U.S. Coast Guard - meet the people who put their lives on the
line for others.
• Audio: English,
Brazilian Portuguese, Thai 5.1 Dolby
• Subtitle: English
ESL, Cantonese, Indonesian, Korean, Malay, Brazilian Portuguese,
Thai, Simplified Chinese for English, Traditional Chinese for English
Blu-ray Extras
- Against All Odds: The Bernie Webber Story - Visit the quaint and
close-knit town of Chatham, and experience the events surrounding
the most heroic Coast Guard rescue ever through the eyes of the
people who witnessed them. Also features the filmmakers, the coauthors
of The Finest Hours book, and Bernie Webber's daughter.
- Brotherhood - Cast
members reflect on the bonds they forged during the shoot.
- Two Crews - Chris
Pine and Casey Affleck share insights into the men who led their
respective crews against all odds.
- What Is Your Finest
Hour ? - A Coast Guard member recounts an incredible rescue.
- The Finest Inspiration:
The U.S. Coast Guard - meet the people who put their lives on the
line for others.
- Deleted Scenes
Tech Spec:
1080p High Definition
Widescreen (2:40:1)
117 Minutes
• Audio: English
7.1 DTS-HDHR, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Thai 5.1 Dolby Digital
• Subtitle: English
SDH, Cantonese, Indonesian, Korean, Malay, Brazilian Portuguese,
Russian, Thai, Simplified Chinese for English, Traditional Chinese
for English
this movie ! |